NTF High Secure & Secure Convenient Communication Platform
As per the statutes of the foundation (‘stichting’), one of the objectives of New Trust Foundation is to initiate, enable, facilitate and otherwise support programs and related projects thereunder.
An ongoing program for several years already is about digital dynamic attribute-based authorisation (‘DDAA’) and related trust and trustworthiness regarding persons, persona, organisations, objects, and their respective intertwined communication, relationships, transactions and other engagements.
Another notable, ongoing program (and project) is the following, kicked-off by specific urgent Covid-19 pandemic communication and engagement challenges and related urgent requests:
The NTF (High) Secure Communication Platform is built and run in the Netherlands, for selected public, public-private, private-public and private sector, NGOs being either national, cross-sector, cross-border, cross-regional, European and international organizations in need for (high) secure communication capabilities for sensitive, confidential or other important communication. The Dutch Government supports the development of the platform. Some notable key features of the platform are for instance (where a more comprehensive overview can be found below):
- Privacy and security developed by default and design; multifactor authentication (currently with more than 7 factors); no storage of data; hosted in The Netherlands; communication is end-2-end encrypted (E2EE)
- Available as-a-service and on premises for (international/secure) communication by governments, public-private relations and other trusted parties. Participation at the platform is upon request only. Browser based, operational by bringing your own device (BYOD)
- Upon request service packages for additional capabilities are available, where requested in combination with hardened managed laptops.
Some related documents and other reads:
A. NTF Communication Platform Most Notable Capabilities
B. Algemene Rekenkamer publicatie over Digital Thuiswerken (in Dutch)
C. Digicampus article about Ecosystems of Trust (in Dutch, from page 66)
D. Rijksprogramma voor Duurzame Digitale Informatiehuishouding; Interview (in Dutch)
For more information please contact us here.